Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Cycling again!

I seem to lose concentration as I get nearer to my place of work. I don't look behind enough or feel aware of other vehicles, I'm just intent on reaching the finish line.

This morning I've had drivers shouting at me, I've shouted at them and just felt thoroughly ashamed of the whole sordid ordeal. I was fuming this morning and the driver and passenger concerned where with me for most of the way after the affair. At the time I wanted to smash them and the car into pieces with a sledgehammer. Fortunately I ratuionalised and apologised to them. The apology had an immediate affect it seemed to nullify the aggression between all of us. I still felt anger but I new that I wouldn't feel any more shame.

I need to make an effort to concentrate more on the road and not be so competive with other cyclists and cars.

This blog seems to have become an outlet for my anger and fear, a good thing but I would like to write more about the good things I do that don't make me furious.

My next entry will be something positive about my job and helping others.


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