Monday, January 17, 2005


Marcus walked into the news agent and picked up an Islington Gazette and a can of coke. He pocketed his change and walked back home.

He opened his front door to be greeted by the plaintive mewlings of his two cats. Feeding time, a can of whiskas soon had its grisly contents disgorged into a plastic bowl. The cats relishing every mouthful of the mysterious meat.

Sitting at the table Marcus began to read the local rag. Swimming pool closures, vandalism, street robbery all the sins of the metropolis.

Marcus’s eye was drawn to one small item in particular:

A 16 year old male was attacked in
the early hours of Wednesday morning
whilst walking home along Tufnell Park Road.
He was taken to the Whittington Hospital
where his condition was described as critical
by a police spokesperson.
Police would like to speak to anyone who
saw a large group of hooded youths.
Anyone with information should contact the
incident room at Upper Holloway Police Station on
020 7651-2333 or Crimestoppers
confidentially on 0800-600-7000

This was nothing unusual, every week this paper was littered with similar tales of young men becoming victims of bother and petty thuggery on the streets.
But something about this particular article struck a chord.

Maybe it reminded Marcus of his own youth. Walking home stoned or drunk in the early hours of the morning unafraid with a whole life ahead.

Sure there had been trouble but only close shaves, punches thrown, money taken. No bones broken just wounded pride. Always the fear of someone going too far, pulling a knife for your pocketful of change. A brutal introduction/indoctrination in the ways of the metropolis.
But this poor lad was on life support because some idiots couldn’t control themselves? It made his blood boil. “Enough” Marcus thought as he pushed the paper to one side.

Time to do some housekeeping thought Marcus looking at the algae in the fishtank.
He removed the filter from the tank and carefully disassembled it to access its heart and give it a good rinse under the tap. Satisfied he put the filter back together and then it happened. As he reached into the tank he knocked against the hood causing the air pump to tumble into the water instantly sending a charge through the water into Marcus knocking him off his feet and smashing his head against the cold steel of the Zanussi oven, then blackness……………..

* * *

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Saturday Night Sunday Morning

I finished work on Saturday at 9pm. My girlfriend’s out of town so I decide to go to the pub. It’s been a long boring shift, I need some whisky.

The tube gives me a headache so I jump off at Knightsbridge and catch one of the last remaining Routemasters. The bus growls through the west end.

Eventually I alight. The pub is packed the jukebox plays Hendrix. I can’t see anyone I know so I drink alone.

Eventually I find my brother (he’s a barman) pulling pints in the downstairs bar. I stay for the late bar. I talk to some other regulars, though mostly I stand by myself.

Soon the night ends. I walk home. A police van whizzes past then stops, the reverse light comes on, are they about to harass me? No, they change their minds and drive off.

A fella walking past asks if I could lend him the bus fare to Stoke Newington. I would give it happily but I have no money left.

I pass another pub that is playing Hi NRG, two women are arguing with the bored looking bouncers.

I get home, I feel a bit sick from the drink. The TV will be my only company and it’s a lousy friend.

I spend most of Sunday intermittently watching Quincy, browsing the net and sleeping.
I leave for a nightshift at 9 o’clock. I feel shitty on the way to work, my body clock feels like it’s been whacked with a hammer. Oh well it pays the rent.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

New Beginnings?

Since I last posted a lot has happened in the world and my life.

I've moved in with my girlfriend, big step for me, sharing my space, commitment etc.
I'm less angry than I was. I'm keen to move on from my mind numbing job and return to higher education.

These things are scary but fear can be converted into forward motion. Most importantly I've decided to re-organize this blog and commentate regularly, a big challenge for me, to commit to something.

The world outside has continued at a frightening pace.

Iraq has become a new Vietnam and like that war could soon spread to neighbouring countries, maybe it's already spread to Saudi Arabia?

British politics seems to have homogenised amongst the main parties, who do I vote for in the next election?

Like it or not, the free market continues. People in poor (and rich) countries get shafted, shareholders get dividends.

Wars in Africa continue.

The list of injustice and brutal stupidity could go on forever. I won't carry it on it'll just make me angry, frustrated and disconnected.

Happy 2005 world!